Lost and Struggling

Life is what you make it. It seems that in the hustle and bustle of life we forget things that are most important. I need to learn to be content with the moment instead of EXPECTING so much from the future that won’t exist until I make it what it is to be. I need to meditate I need to remember that it takes one day at time in order to move forward down the path that leads to my destiny. I think some times I have too many expectations of what I want so much to happen and it hasn’t happened yet. I want happiness, contentment, love, and peace. I am so very impatient because it’s not happening as fast as I think it should. I have learned that about myself recently. I have had so much disappointment and pain in my life that I hope for a long season of happiness. I just wonder when it’s coming cause it’s not hear yet. I used to wonder if I had done something to someone in a past life because so much bad was happening to me. Some people would tell me bad things happen to good people. Over time that becomes harder and harder to believe. I hope and breath hope into a love that won’t fade…a love that is true…*looks to the left looks to the right* If YOU are really the one I’ve hoped for all my life, I really wish you would express what is on your heart instead of remaining tight-lipped. I have opened myself up and now I feel naked and guess what once you give your heart you can not take it back. I don’t have enough experience to understand love and what any of this means. I wish I had a frame of reference. I feel so lost right now.

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