
Emotions have settled into the moment and started to congeal. Moments have turned on themselves and collapsed not being able to separate themselves. Sometimes I wonder how things got to be this way. Dreams provoke thoughts long since forgotten. Wonders if questions were asked would answers come. Are answers necessary? Could it be that if thinking was overthought conclusions would come more easily? Middle ground must be found. I cannot breathe in hope and sustain my soul on what could’ve been. I need congruent lines on my path. Been described as a phoenix in my cosmic personality. I see this rings truth in many aspects of my life. My thoughts are consumed with forethought seeing many miles ahead even uncovering thought untouched undisturbed. So many changes and revolutions ending in revelations. Feels like it’s time for another cycle. Peeking around the corner visualizing my way far ahead of what’s to come. Wonders when I’ll go from singular to plural. Catapillars to butteflies soon soon soon…tries to patiently wait on the day.

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